Building inspections help budget planning
Budget planning was a key factor in our projects for Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Holidays.
The aim was to help the businesses to plan their budgets for the next financial year, and there may well be other organisations in a similar position, whether they see ensuring good access to their premises as investing in their workforce or whether they just want to make sure they comply with current legislation.
Our first project involved a full audit of two buildings housing more than 1,000 people at Virgin Atlantic’s administration and training centres at Crawley in Sussex.
That led directly to a second contract for similar work with Virgin Holidays.
The buildings were different, some used by admin staff, some used for training and housing replica aircraft, others used for meetings with customers and business partners, but the requirements were similar – to complete an audit of the premises and submit a report identifying any improvements that might need to be made.
The client, which recognises the importance of making sure its premises are accessible to non-disabled and disabled people alike, whether employees or visitors, used our findings to plan ahead and identify and resolve any issues that might create difficulties for people.