Very in-depth course with good resources to allow you to carry out an Access Audit.
What Our Clients Say
"I thought the course was great. Really opened my eyes to the potential obstacles and issues that could arise. The content was delivered in a very straightforward and understandable manner.”
"Very in-depth course with good resources to allow you to carry out an Access Audit"
“We are committed to improving access to our sites for everybody within the resources available to us. What benefits a disabled person will also really help older people and families with young children. We also aim to give really useful advance information so that as many people as possible can plan a visit that suits them and enjoy these wonderful places.”
English Heritage
Access Audit Client
“Hopefully our members will appreciate that providing the right sort of facilities for disabled people is something which will help them to promote their business in a positive way.”

Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitality Association
After a briefing to members by About Access
We assisted a major local authority which was keen to introduce accessibility at the design stage of the proposed refurbishment of a substantial public building. On receiving our report, our contact responded: “Following very productive meeting yesterday afternoon, just to say thank you and well done. Our Access Officer said that your report was one of the best they have read for a long time. It was very detailed yet still easy to read.”
“An enjoyable and challenging two days of intensive learning. The key subject matter broken down into manageable learning modules with the core covered comprehensively, but with peripheral areas detailed and additional reference given for further reading and study."
Salvation Army
Delegate at Access Auditing Course
We believe that the work we do and the clients we work for, say more about us than we could ever convey, so feel free to take a look at our case studies…